Summary of #30DaysOfTesting

Posted by jperala on July 31, 2016

Ministry of Testing started a #30DaysOfTesting challenge for the July. I decided to join the challenge as it provided a great opportunity to have some fun, learn new skills and share it with the testing community.

30 Days of Testing

Unfortunately the challenge schedule overlapped with holiday season full of traveling and spending time on summer cottage. Therefore I did cheat a bit regarding the rules of the challenge. Not all challenges were achieved on the given day of the challenge as few challenges was needed to be rescheduled for more suitable days. Also some of the challenges were needed to be skipped due lack of time.

Here is a short diary of what I did - and missed - during the 30 days testing challenge.

Decided to read Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams by Janet Grecory and Lisa Crispin. I had it already in my bookself waiting to be read, and #30DaysOfTesting gave the needed motivation push for it.

Great book, still few chapters to finalize…

2 Take a photo of something you are doing at work

The 2nd day was Saturday, so no work on that day. But read some chapter’s on Agile Testing book. Here’s a pic.

30 Days of Testing

3 Listen to a testing podcast

Listened bunch of podcasts from Joe Colantonio’s #TestTalks channel. As we are taking Appium in use at the current project, I was especially interested on Appium for Beginners with James Koch.

4 Share a testing blog post with a non-tester

Shared a blog post about running Jenkins jobs on Docker containers to a colleague.

5 Read and comment on one blog post

Read an excellent blog post about thing that make development awesome.

6 Perform a crazy test

Wrote a RESTfull API test for FOASS (Fuck Off As A Service) service. Service seems to work as expected.

7 Find an accessibility bug

No findings for the given day, but earlier this month found few issues with our test server accessibility due faulty configurations.

8 Download a mobile app, find 5 bugs and send the feedback to the creator

Skipped due great weather, sun and traveling to summer cottage. Same justification applies also to the rest of the skipped challenges. :)

9 Create a mindmap

Created a “holiday inspired” mindmap.

10 Find an event to attend (online or face to face)

Participated in Ministry of Testing online masterclass How To Build A Regression Checking Strategy with Mark Winteringham.

11 Take a picture of your team

No team picture due summer vacations, whole team is on holiday. As a replacement here’s a family holiday picture from QStock festival.

Qstock 2016. #Qstock #Vesala #Oulu

A photo posted by Juho Perälä (@juperala) on

12 Doodle a problem


13 Find a user experience problem

The Microsoft OneDrive login process seems to make absolutely no sense. To access your OneDrive account, you need to go through four (4) page login process:

On the 1st page you select to sign-in. 1st login page

Next, on the 2nd page you enter you email address. 2nd login page

Then, on the 3rd page you select either personal or business account. 3rd login page

And finally, on the 4th page you re-enter your email address and password for OneDrive login. 4th login page

As a user I would appreciate a faster way to access my OneDrive content via browser.

14 Step outside of your comfort zone

Got a MacBook Pro for running Appium test on iOS devices/emulator. The OSX user interface is way outside of my comfort zone. Luckily you can do most things remotely via SSH terminal. And it seems I am getting used to the GUI also, pushing out the zone boundaries…

15 Find a problem with an e-commerce website

Found an issue on missing localization of undefined product category on a online shop. Reported issue.

16 Go to a non-testing event

Did not manage to find any good professional events to participate for July. Generally July is holiday season in Finland and there is not many work-related events organized. But participated on a bunch of non-professional events such as QStock music festival.

17 Find and share a quote that inspires you

Earlier this month found broken links in test data. Fixed.

19 Find and use a new tool

During June and July I familiarized with Appium and got mobile browser tests running from Jenkins on iOS and Android devices/emulators. Seems like a very nice framework with smooth transition from Selenium based desktop browser testing.

Also tried out Postman tool for REST API testing and Splunk tool for real-time server log monitoring.

20 Find a good place to perform some security tests


21 Pair test with someone

Before holidays paired with colleague for testing new product functionality. Something that we do more or less regularly.

22 Share your favourite testing tool

Selenium WebDriver. At the moment it is the tool for the desktop and mobile web-testing. Widely used and supported by various tools, platforms and programming languages.

Ps. Selenium 3 beta is just released.

23 Help someone test better

I try to help out colleagues on daily basis when possible, but no specific activities to be mentioned here. Our team keeps active dialogue to learn from each others and to share the knowledge.

24 Connect with a tester who you haven’t previously connected with

Participated on testing related discussions on social media with couple of new contacts.

25 Contribute to a testing discussion

See previous.

26 Invite a non-tester to a test event

Sent invitation to FiSTB Testing Assembly 2016 for a few colleagues.

27 Say something nice about the thing you just tested

The usability and UX is really nice on the product we are currently developing.

28 Summarise an issue in 140 characters or less

Done. Project related issue, not for public sharing.

29 Find an out by one error

Skipped. Did not find any.

30 Give someone positive feedback

I really appreciate the effort my employer and it’s core team put-out to make it great place to work. Love the company culture and can-do-attitude.

31 BONUS: Share your 30 day challenge experience on youtube, instagram, twitter or a blog post!

This post. Done.